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+7 (964) 580-00-33
Mixed use project. Office-retail property in Voronezh
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Mixed use project in Voronezh. Office-retail property. Total area 18 000 sq.m The owner of the project can sell 100% of the project. Mixed use project. Office-retail property. Total area 18 000 sq.m The owner of the project can sell 100% of the project.  The owner of the project was going to get construction permit in December 2007.  Land: the land site total area 1500 sqm (freehold). Projected NOI 2009: $4 320 000. If an investor is ready to do forward purchase funding the purchase price shall be calculated on the basis of the actual NOI on the day the Property is delivered or on another date agreed by the Parties, and is subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions: filing the Property with tenants,  getting title after construction.

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  • Инвестиционные проекты
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Объект недвижимости на карте

+7 (964) 580-00-33
  • 18000 кв.м.
  • 0 Гараж
  • 0 Спальня
  • 0 Ванная